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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tension rides the shuttle

 Kay was about average today.  I took her for the usual truffles and graham cracker. The caregiver said she ate breakfast but not very much.  So I tried to make up for it.  She did not want to take her pills but you can get her to change her mind in a few minutes which she did. We got them down her but it  took some real subterfuge. Back in the activity room I participated in the exercises.  She still does not participate.  Just before 10:30 I took her back to her room and let her rest,  At 10:30 they called up and said my ride was here.  This is 30 minutes before it was supposed to be there.   Bad relations developed between the bus driver and me before she delivered two riders then came back for me at 11:20. I was not happy, The driver was not happy.  No one was happy.  On the way home things lightened up and relations returned to normal.  However at home I did not know I had left a bag on the bus when I  got off.  Later when I discovered it missing I started  checking where I could have left it.  It could have been in only 3 places.  Cascade Gardens, the bus, or here where I live.  I called the Gardens but they would check, I did not call the shuttle people because they pick up left items and it will be in lost and found tomorrow. So if I left it at the Gardens they would let me know About 7:30 there was a knock on the door and when I opened it there stood the bus driver with my bag.  I had left it and she went out of her way to bring it back to me on her own time I suppose.  With feeling I said "I could kiss you."  For just an instant she hesitated.  I could sense the hesitation.  But some thought overruled the impulse and she turned and went on down the hall.  For  some reason the tension  in our first meeting was gone  and she wanted to be on good  terms with me. This was evident on the way back because there was a complete turn around  in her demeanor.   It has been a month since I saw her the first time.   I had no intention of making a report. I wonder what caused the change of attitude.  Perhaps she had learned about my daily visits to see Kay and for some reason it struck a cord.  She did mention she and her husband had separated several years ago.  Perhaps there was something there that Kay was getting that she longed for.  I'll never know but this story today has a happy ending. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God Bless you for making a happy ending to the day....and lets hope the following days will be happy ones!