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Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Peace is Shattered.

 It has been quite pleasant around here but now Greg is back.  I have had a problem getting this cautherized place on my nose to stop bleeding.  First the doctor, when I left his office, told me I could take the bandage off the next day.  That was of course assuming all went well which it usually does in these instances.  Working with the other nurses has  been good because they are willing to discuss my problem.   After all it is my nose and I have lived with it for 93 years.  They also know I have to live with it 24 hours a day.  At medic time this morning it was one order after another to the people people there for their treatment or pills.  Greg is a public relations disaster for this place. People deserve more than being rdered around like cattle.  Also I have had to stop bleeding many times over my life and know somthing about it. Even being cautherizeed is not new.
Sitting at the table waiting for lunch like a nest of birds waiting to be fed, Greg walks in, aparently caught up for the moment, and leans over and whispers something in the ear of the lady across from me.  When he leaves she tells us that he told her she had no support hose on. She dressed herself so I can see there is no way she doesn't know it.  Which she acknowledges.  Due to her diabetes and consequently excessive carohydrates she is developing congestive heart failure.  Say heart failure and I am sure it would get her attention but for the  moment says  she feels well and does't tie the swelling of the legs to the real cause of it.  She is overweight, uses a wheel chair but can walk. I say nothing because I have had experisnce with people who eat as she does and know how hopeless it is to try to educate.  If she asks for my unwanted portion of a piece of cake or other goodie I give it to her.  Some doctors say it is easier to cure cancer than obesity.  Eating a certain way for 50 or 60 years is almost  impossible to change. 

Kay was very alert today when I found her walking the hall.  They were beginning exercises which she does not participate  in so I just took her to her room when I gave her a couple truffles. We stayed together until time to go.  She just likes being with me and I with her.  Must go now.   

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