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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Normal visit, dirty water

 Everything went well today.  I got there about 1 30 and found Kay in the community room just sitting there with her eves closed.   I took her immediately to out usual place and I gave her a pudding and one truffle.  No more this visit.  She ate both.  A little slow at the end of the pudding. Even though it had started raining when I came in I thought there were two chairs under shelter enough that we could sit outside for a while in the fresh air.  But the wind was blowing enough that  it was getting on the chairs so that scratched that idea.  We went back to her room and I hung out until time to go.  I left her at the elevator door and she accepted my leaving without much of an  attempt to go with me. 

About a month ago the brains in the US beaurocracy decided people living in places like this need some protection from getting scalded from the hot water.  It is set to stay between 105 and 130.   This place has been here about 20 years and I don't  think anyone has been scalded in all that time. But no mind, they were ordered to put restrictors in the hot water taps in the bathroom.  Of course it also restricts the cold water. Yesterday  I told the head (whats the name for female "honcho") That the water was running so slowly that sediment was collecting in the pipes and building up.  No way could that happen she claimed it was coming from the screen in the restrictor. You cant argue with someone who know everything so I just gave up trying to show how it was happening.   Today I looked into the little pitcher I use to boil water for coffee that I make in my room.  It looked like there was a shadow or something on the inside.  I boil the water because I want to rid it of clorine when I make coffee. They must be working on the lines somewhere because the inside was black from dirt or what ever it was.  I took a picture of it and here it is. 

Ictually something in the inside.  My eyes are quite bad and I was not sure until I took the picture.  But here is a picture of the inside. When you get old you get no respect.  I got no respect when  I tried to tell the family that Kay was not eating enough from the type of food they were feeding her.  No, no that is just the way when you get dementia some told me.  You stop eating and die.  Never consider that the foods they are eating there is just contrary from how they ate all their lives and they cant eat the food. How you ate all your life is so powerful that some doctors say it is easier to cure cancer than obesity.  I say that how Kay ate before she moved into the place she is in is the reason why she was losing weight. Mentally she is not capable of adjusting to the diet there.   I may have solved the problem because since I talked to them  about changing her diet she apparently has gained about 3 pounds in the first week. As I said before she always ate like she was starving when we went out to eat at a restaurant.   


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