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Thursday, April 7, 2011

I remember a near disaster

Have you ever had the shakes for what nearly happened?  What nearly happened to Kay many years ago still makes me almost shake with the fear of what would have happened to Kay if this had really happened to her, A most horrible thing.  We lived on Wallingford Street in Richmond Highlands north of Seattle in a real "starter" of a house. In those days you bought a small house and worked your way  up as your family grew.  

One night we were going to bed.  I was already in bed on the edge.  Kay was close by about arms length away.  .  She was in a filmy nightgown. Next to her was a space heater.  Somehow she brushed up against it. Her nightgown caught on fire.  I had about 3 seconds before the nightgown was out of control if I didn't do something. Instantly I reached over and got her nightgown in my hands and wadded it up and smothered the flame. I don't think my hands even got singed. But in two or three more seconds the flames would have been  out of control with the nightgown acting as a chimney.  With the belt around the nightgown I would not have been able to pull it over her head or jerked it down and off her that way.  But by being as close as I was I was able to put out the fire by wadding the nightgown in a ball and killing it that way   before it spread out of control.  Horrible disfigurement would have resulted if her  nightgown had burned.

Even now 65 years later I get a funny fealing when I think about it. So close to disaster. 

Bill Sheldon June 17, 1920. April 4, 2001. Four years in the 3rd Infantry Division WW2 His story. Find it at Four years in the 3rd Inf in WW2
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