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Monday, February 28, 2011

Kay today

Today I got Kay a potato patty, egg straight up, half apiece of toast and half glass of milk.  She took it in the living room to eat.  I don't know yet if she ate it,  Someone tell me how to make a potato patty  from  falling apart when it is cooked.  I have to tell her several time to come to the table. Invariabley she has to go to the bathroom before sitting down. I  brought in a chair for her but for some reason she went to the living room to eat.  I did a wash and dry this morning because I could not wait until regular wash day tomorrow for an undershirt as I was out.  I need one more but hate to buy 3 because of storage space.  I did left over dirty dishes from yesterday.  I think Hilary might have stashed one or two undershirts somewhere not in the underwear drawer.  Or more likely Kay has done something with one.

I found in my old videos a new piece of info on Gen Douglas MacArthur not previously known.  I made it.  When I acquired it there was no way to get it out into the public.If things go well I will upload it to my youtube legdug (gudgel spelled backwards)account.  Another reason American GI's generally despised officers. I have heard that the German soldier had more respect for his officers than the American soldier.  It had to be because he knew Hitler was just as prone (and the records show) to stand an officer up against the wall as the lower ranks. He didn't billet in nice hotels while the soldier lived in fox holes.  But I may be wrong on this. I think I will find the pictures that may show a possible reason why some officers like  war so much. 
Have a nice day

Bill Sheldon June 17, 1920. April 4, 2001. Four years in the 3rd Infantry Division WW2 His story. Find it at Four years in the 3rd Inf in WW2
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