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Friday, May 29, 2015

Early to Kay

I am completely frustrated trying to do a video narrative of what went on today.  First  I could not get the camcorder to transfer the video of me talking then I could not get the Lenovo ucam to work properly.  After a hour of trying I decided to go back to the old system that works as long as I hit the right key.  

I have been having problems as usual with the getting a bus on time  Recently they come a half hour late to pick up a lady here who goes to the Y to swim.  To conserve effeciency they combine the two of us on one bus. Marvelous  goal.  Except that makes me half hour late.  I cant put my Pick up earlier as it would be hard to get breakfast before I leave.  They consider themselves on time if they get there within a half hour of when I want to picked up.  Today they were half hour early!  I hurried up and got to Kay by 8:30.  The usual there.  She is very slow and I suppose she is weak.  Does not seem sick.  My legs are weak too so maybe we both go together.  

I got the pictures done of the lady who wanted to give one to a relative who didn't have one.  So easy to be pretty when you are a baby or just young..  Where did we go wrong?  Why do they consider young beautiful?  Why not old?

Then everyone would want to be old.  I would win beauty contests if they would do that. 

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