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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

New idea to break shock

 If I could walk I could have walked to Kay's place faster than the shuttle got me there, So I was somewhat late.  Fortuntely the bus was late picking me up so I had a fairly adequate visit.  Except for walking very slowly there hasn't been any change in her.  

I am going to look into if connecting a web cam to a network so patients who might have the faculties to understand can talk and see their loved ones.  Obviously those who dont know their relatives wont be able to use it. Most people will not but some might.  Kay wont I dont think but she has not been offered the opportunity.  It will take some thinking. The object is to make them feel in contact.  Others who might want to help me with this may have bettr ideas than I have,   For instance  I have a little kids lunch box I got at walmart.  She knows when she sees it that she will be getting a treat. that is where I keep it.  If I were to show it on the webcam the caregiver would giver her a truffle.  Of course there might be un-intended consequences too but this is what we have to look into. To me it is heart breaking to see someone put in this place and ALL of them want out.  Sad.  Can we  make life more bearable for them?  I will present this to the people who come to the Altzheimers support group this evening at 6:30 and see what they think about it.  There are always naysayers but someone should start it. 

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