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Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Church

 I got to Kay fairly early.  Took her to hall chairs and table where I gave her the truffles then took her to her room.  There I gave her half a banana.  She seemed hungry but I did't have anything else like Graham crackers to add to it. 
she took her pills whole according to the pill dispenser.  I don't want to call them pill rollers.    She did not eat a lot of breakfast according to the caregiver. Maybe that is the reason she ate the things she ate.  On Fridays they  have church services at Cascade Gardens where Kay is and at Cascade Vista where I live.  Here they bring a priest for Catholic services.  I havent asked but he might go to the Gardens to hold Mass on Saturdays.  I cant remember which day they have Protestant church services here. But they do.  When Kay finished eating the banana there was nothing else going on right at that time but I asked her if she wanted to go to church?  She nodded yes but I leaned it didn't happen until 10 AM and even then the preacher was not expected to be there until 10 after.  So as it was not a long time to go we waited in the room until it was time.  finally it was the time and a black preacher showed up.  We sang old favorites and he gave an inspiring talk.  I have never heard a black preacher and did not know what to expect.  Perfectly reasonable although I would imagine in his church a little more relaxed. The group attending seemed very happy  to be there and joined in the singing with gusto.  Kay did not appear to sing but seemed to enjoy it.  She seems to enjoy being with the group   so I will be sure she attends events.  Unless she is tired we will be at more of them. 

Some time ago I suggested they attach a DVD player to the downstairs TV so people could play their home movies and what not for others.   Great idea the former  activities director said but they wanted a combo tape/dvd player. Nothing came of it but when the new director came I gave them mine which I no longer used.  The director claimed she got no answer from the brass even though she asked them.  She gave me her's which did not have a tape player in it. But things stayed in limbo with nothing happening.  The other day Lincoln announced a general meeting for residents to register their wants and complaints.  I firgued this was a good time to ask him directly  about it even though he did not answer my email request earlier.  That is the reason I figured he did not want something like that.  But today in the meeting I asked him and with no hesitation he said to see the activities and another manager to get it done/  Just like that it was accepted.  This makes me wonder just how much was the truth the were giving me about it. Why they would not want it I have no idea.  Of course they have a room where they play movies but they select them and they residents don't have any say in the matter I don't think.  I may be wrong about that. Now we can play our home movies or other movies for a select group which could not be done before.  We can even pick our own movies from other sources if we  want to. I was going to play a home movie for some of the women at another table.  I think one or two have died since the first offer. I think the previous situation was just a stalling tactic for some reason.    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear about the church meetings available. That lends to a better relationship among the persons attending. Also, the home/other movies to be enjoyed. Seems like such a simple matter and to be enjoyed by most all there.Is Kay able to tell you what she had to eat?Eating is such a pleasant experience in life!