Miserable picture of me at the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin. The Germans made great cameras but they also made some bad ones just like we did. The one I had was a borrowed one and it was rainy so the picture was bad. Note the white sign just to the right of me which is a check point I think. Although at this time Oct. 1945 we were able to go back and forth into east Berlin without restriction that day. The day this was taken I and a truck load of others had gone to Berlin from Darmstadt which was the HQ of the 3rd Inf. Division Artillery. The reason we were able to go was there was a football game between the 3rd and another outfit and we were supposed to watch it. I wanted to see Berlin and couldn't care less about football. Just to my right off camera is the German Reichstag the German parlement. My buddy who took the picture and I went down into Hitlers Bunker where he killed himself. This was behind the Reichstag. After looking around a little a Russian came and run us out. This means we were in the Russian zone and makes me wonder if I have been wrong all these years about exactly were we were. I am wondering if the Reichstag was on the other side of the Brandenberg Gate. Something I haven't thought about for 65 years. I had been thinking that the Reichstag was in the western zone but becaue the Russian ran us out means it was in the
Russian zone. You can see two or three people on the sidewalk on my right. Note there are no autos. We still had the Autobahn to ourselves. No civilian traffice yet. I drove from Darmstadt to Kassel at the Jeeps max which was 67 MPH without seeing a civilian car or military that I can remember. I will see if Google can clear this up.
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