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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kay not good today

Kay is in a bad condition today.  I got breakfast for myself with enough left over to make Kay her breakfast too.  Many times she comes in about the time I sit down to eat.  Sure enough it happened today.  But I had French toast ready and asked her to take a bath while I made breakfast.  She didn't even respond  but just sat there looking ahead.  I insisted she come in the bathroom and  I drew the water and put out her clothes.  I came back in a few minutes and tried to get her to take her bath but she just looked ahead and shook her head.  She left the bathroom and went and sat down in the recliner chair.  I watched her a minute and it seemed that she was indicating she was in some sort of pain so I asked her the usual questions.  She indicated she was so I took her into the bedroom and gave her a 
couple ant-acid pills then applied some ear drops to her left eat which usually washes out what is causing her pain.  She then went back to bed.  

The best time to contemplate is when your mind is not busy.  Folding clothes is one of those times. I've been putting this off since Wednesday.  Usually Hilary does this when she comes to clean up.  But this week she could not come so I did it.   In the past Kay would fold clothes and I put then away but things may have changed  now and she no longer will fold clothes.  But I got to thinking could we  have done more kindness to other people in our condition or did we do all we could All in all I think we did a real good job of taking care of her folks and others in the same condition.  Kay has always been a kind person. But on the other hand we could always have done more.  After all those people have to live 24 hours a day and being kind just a few leaves a lot of time left over.  So that is one regret of mine is that although by normal standards we did well we could have done more.  Sorry about that.

Sheldon June 17, 1920. April 4, 2001. Four years in the 3rd Infantry Division WW2 His story. Find it at Four years in the 3rd Inf in WW2
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