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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Smmomething I don't understand

Virginia Sheldon pointed out something to me yesterday that completely flabbergasted me.   Kay can come to me and cant get the words out to tell something that is on her mind. Her memory at work I guess.  I had been telling her how Kay can not tell me what is on her mind that may be there when she may be in the bedroom or another place that she wants to tell me.  Like someone who has had a bad stroke. Usually I have Virginia talk to Kay as best she can when we are on the telephone It's pretty much a one way conversation as Kay cant remember anything more than a minute ago.  From her end Kay will ask something like "What can I do for you" because Kay cant remember anything to tell Virginia.  But she can ask for information.  But this is where the miracle comes in.  Kay can talk to Virginia on the telephone   but can't talk to anyone  here at home one on one. Oh well. It isn't something I have to understand so I wont spend any time on it.  I have other things to think about. 

Bill Sheldon June 17, 1920. April 4, 2001. Four years in the 3rd Infantry Division WW2 His story. Find it at Four years in the 3rd Inf in WW2
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