I've been sent a supply of Ensure. As a diabetic I always look at the ingredients in what I eat. Or what I give my wife to eat. Insure has over one ounce of sugar. I don't really care what else Ensure has in it but I wont give Kay something that has that much sugar. It is touted to do all kinds of healthy things if you drink it. But I have figured out that you can just take a multi vitamin and get the same results without eating that much sugar. Here is a picture of slightly over an ounce of sugar. Abbot Labs says that Ensure has 32 oz of carbs which is a little more than an ounce which is 28 and a fraction grams.
Bill Sheldon June 17, 1920. April 4, 2001. Four years in the 3rd Infantry Division WW2 His story. Find it at Four years in the 3rd Inf in WW2
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